
NEWDEAL develops a concrete and structured platform to follow the professional development of each new employee, providing evidence of all work based learning.

NEWDEAL monitors on the job training which matches the competences listed in the job description provided by the company.

Firstly, NEWDEAL supports enterprises to enhance the management of staff career paths recognising the learning gained on the job. Secondly, NEWDEAL will help new employees have a clearer perspective of the professional development they require and to self-assess the competences gained. NEW DEAL supports enterprises and employees in the management of knowledge and competences gained on the job. It does so through the development of a web platform which defines the skills expected for a given job profile, the entry competences of new employees covering that job, and the training needed to cover the possible gap between the two.


NEWDEAL’s main outcome will be the platform for the definition of the competences and development of training paths used both by the enterprise, the HR manager, or tutor and by the employees, who will be able to self-evaluate themselves whenever appropriate. The platform allows individualised paths of skills attainment because the blended training paths designed are modular.

Target groups

The NEWDEAL project aims to promote integration between learning and working, therefore the primary target group is composed of new employees and their senior tutors. More specifically the project idea is to develop a technological platform that enables the monitoring and management of the process of matching the competences required by the enterprises, and the ones developed by the new employees, which can then be replicated within similar organisations.

Direct target groups

  • ew employees: people hired recently by the enterprises of the economic sector chosen (about 150, 30 per testing partner)
  • large scale retail trade companies: more specifically the company tutors, HR managers, business owners, etc.
  • trainers and HR consultants: in the short term, only those that are part of the research enterprises (working directly with the project or for other departments) who could offer new services to the enterprises

Indirect target groups

  • associated partners and stakeholders of partner enterprises: such as, Chambers of Commerce, local authorities, educational institutions, other training providers, partners and their networks;
  • large professional communities of training providers, business consultants, social partners, HR managers: particularly those working with large scale retail trade enterprises, but also in other economic sectors;
  • policy makers, particularly in the field of training;
  • interest from competence centres, or training sector partnerships (see for example the UK Sector Skills Councils on Retail “Skills for Retail”).

Our contribution

Vision Systems has designed and developed a custom e-learning platform by project objectives.

