
The TIPTOE project proposes to tackle the problem of interpretation and application of EQF- and ECVET-principles within one sector: the trade sector. Moreover, TIPTOE proposes to overcome not only the gap between the different European VET- and qualification systems, but also the (cultural) differences in the meaning, content and interpretation of tasks and functions on the European labour market in the trade sector. The main aim is to contribute to the establishment of a European lifelong learning space, by providing tools and guidelines by which mutual trust between countries and between labour market and educational field is achieved more easily.
A lot of effort is foreseen to be invested in dissemination and valorization activities. The TIPTOE project plans to organize a one-day EU-conference, and in addition to the more standard forms of dissemination (website, flyer, brochure; a good-practice report on project evaluation), to construct a valorization package designed for exploitation and implementation of the project results, aimed to convince stakeholders and end-users.

Our contribution

Vision Systems has developed a web application for online questionnaires and a series of web applications specific to project results.

