SAVE will provide a “top-down” approach to:
- location and identity (using location and location based services [from] identity separation protocols)
- role orientation (capabilities increase from end user to volunteer, family member, professional caregiver and even IT specialist)
- person safety, which is integrated with neighborhood safety – compliant with integrated (combined) emergency alerts (medical, police, fire, etc.) available in many countries (smart mediation would improve the handling of alerts to make the difference between real SOSs and pre-filtered “spams”)
- the well-being, which is supported by the monitoring of the physical state (with portable devices) integrated with the stimulation of the physical exercise
- “to-do” lists, which are shared with the trusted group of “friends and family,” and forgotten tasks are remembered / updated / improved in the supervised care community
- the target group for the elderly, which is expanded with different types of other end-users (with mild dementia and other deficiencies or disabilities)
The objective of this project
“SAVE” is dedicated to the elderly, who suffer from (or are at risk of) chronic age-related illnesses and / or mild cognitive impairments. For these and a number of people “not in good shape”, “SAVE” aims to avoid psychosocial exclusion by “restoring the referential”.
The unique purpose of “orientation” in a supportive environment – in terms of position location and / or safety (in smart homes equipped with sensors) is also addressed in a broader cognitive and behavioral sense , task-oriented in the “personal cloud” of relatives, friends and carers.
Estimated results
- To live an active and meaningful life, independently and safely, for more time at home and in the vicinity
- Ethical issues would be addressed by exploiting modern and safe technologies, by humanizing the care relationship
- Service models would have an impact on the intelligent environment, physical activities and well-being, as well as on the carers’ perception of their social involvement
- The business model (infrastructure, training and distribution network – at the end of the three years of project) would target part of the 10 million elderly people in the E.U. who suffer from mild cognitive impairment and related problems
Our contribution
Vision Systems will lead WP3, testing and validation, and will collaborate with Labidee, GEMA, and UNITBV, in designing the software and overall architecture of the system and the database for storing the data; development of cloud services for social interaction; programming/developing of software-based user interfaces for desktops, tablets, smartphones. Some of such tasks will also involve external collaborations managed through VSRO, to effectively incorporate outcomes and competences from other related projects. VS will contribute also at the Romania pilot.